My Blog
Table of Contents
1. Why?
I want a place where I can write long form essays about subjects without being constrained by any particular form, like in the mindmap.
1.1. Why not the Journal, then?
This blog is not going to be for my personal life in any capacity, technical or otherwise. Think about the blog like a mix between the wiki format of the mindmap and the journal format.
Blog Articles:
for f in *; do if [[ "$f" == "" || "$f" == "" || "$f" == "emacs.el" ]]; then continue fi if [ -d "$f" ]; then continue fi name="$(grep '^#+title:' "$f" | sed 's/^#+title:[[:space:]]*//')" printf -- "- [[file:$f][$name]]\n" done
- Consciousness and the Universal Handshake
- Automation, Hypocrisy, and Capitalism
- Cognition
- A Review of Cryptocurrency
- Stop Asking for Better Horses
- Machine Learning is Here
- The End of Equality and The Technocratic Imperative
- My Monorepo
- You should use NixOS
- Passwords Are Obselete
- Stem
- Tech Bros
- Representative Voting
- You Don't Matter