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Table of Contents

1. What is this?

It's ret2pop! My website for all things math. Wait, no. Computer science. Music. Okay, let me try that again. Is this even a website?

It's ret2pop, a wholistic experience powered by NixOS and Emacs.

1.1. so how did you actually do that?

By using the org-publish function, org-roam, and org-journal, as well as writing a lot of things with a literate config. To see more, see my emacs configuration and my NixOS configuration.

1.2. So, where is this website of yours located?

https://ret2pop.nullring.xyz, it is the road to enlightenment.

2. Wait, so where are your dotfiles?

To use my dotfiles, download the ISO image for the installer, log in, and run:

git clone https://git.nullring.xyz/monorepo.git
# use vim to change whatever nix files you want

That's it! If you want to install with all the default settings (look at them first), just run:


and it will work for you.

3. License

See the license. The style.css has its own license.

Copyright © 2024 Preston Pan